Had to ever deal with a hyperactive kid who would never sit down for an entire day? Then you would agree that this is of course a herculean task and very draining. Now, as the saying goes, we need to respond to situations and not react to them.
Shouting at them, cribbing, or complaining about such kids never solves the problem. Instead, if we figure out ways to channelize their energy in a productive way then this would help in bringing the best out of them.
Hyperactivity and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) are terms that are often used interchangeably. But this is not always correct. A hyperactive kid might not have ADHD, and those with ADHD may not display hyperactivity.
If your kid is just full of energy and doesn’t have any problems controlling their emotions or impulses, and is able to focus in school or other activities, it is most likely that he or she doesn’t have ADHD.
ADHD kids on the other hand usually display signs of impulsivity and lack of attention combined with hyperactivity or without that. If you feel that your kid has signs of ADHD, then it is always better to consult your pediatrician and take appropriate steps or therapies, to minimize impacts on your child.
In our article, we will focus on 10 ways of calming down a hyperactive kid and making them more relaxed.
Table of Contents
1. Diet

The food we take has a direct impact on what or how we are. Pay attention to what your kid is eating.
Are they eating a lot of empty calories? Are they having a lot of junk foods or is there a high intake of sugar?
Keep control. Include food rich in protein, complex carbs, omega-3 acids, and necessary vitamins.
2. Breathing Practices
Breathing practices and meditation are key in helping kids calm down and improve focus. This also helps them relax and deal with their feelings in a better way.
Various studies conclude that meditation increases the dopamine level in the brain and thickens the prefrontal cortex which directly impacts impulse control, focus, and planning.
3. Physical Activities

Indulge them in strenuous cardio games like soccer, dancing, gymnastics, etc. All these activities will ensure that the energy is well expended and makes them physically stronger.
It helps in building good brain connections as well. Activities like swimming and diving are also excellent.
4. Art/Crafts
Art and craft activities stimulate the brain and increase the dopamine level in the brain. This in turn improves their focus and concentration.
So if your kid is interested in creative activities this is one of the best ways to calm your hyperactive kid. Mandala, scribbles, drawing classes, crochet are a few of the activities that you can try out.
5. Yoga
Practicing yoga at least twice or thrice a week might have a wonderful impact on your kids. Recently there has been a lot of research on the positive effects of yoga not only on hyperactive kids but on everyone.
As yoga emphasizes mindfulness, this will definitely be a beneficial practice for your hyperactive child.
6. Lesser Screen Time

More than two hours of screen time daily might have a serious negative impact on your child. Restrict screen time to 30 minutes per day. Children learn by observing and interacting with others.
More screen time lessens this time causing serious developmental issues and reduces the attention span. Higher screen time also reduces melatonin which also causes sleeping troubles in kids.
7. Make Routines & Stick To Them
Having a well-planned daily routine can calm down and bring order in your child’s life. With this they will know what to expect and set a proper order in their lifestyle.
As you can observe in nature there is rhythm and order in all daily activity starting from sunrise to sunset. Tuning your kid’s life in order makes them healthier and reduces anxiety.
8. Soothing Music
Positive impacts of music are well regarded. The same technique can also be applied in case of your little one. Music therapy can build better attention span, self–control and improve social skills in kids.
Music engages the right side of the brain and helps kids to plan, anticipate and react, thus reducing the impulsivity and hyperactivity. Creating a playlist of soothing music and playing them regularly is something you can easily try out.
9. Nature Walk

Relating to nature naturally calms down every mind. Taking your little one outdoors and making him connected with nature might have magical impacts on his mind.
Planning your next vacation to a forest or outskirts cut off from the tech world is something that you should definitely plan and add to your to-do list.
Simple activities like fishing or watching a sunrise or sunset in a calm place is something that will relax not only your kid but you too.
10. Spending Time With Them
Though I have listed it at the end, one of the most essential steps to calm your kid is spending quality time with them.
Ensuring that you listen and pay attention to what he is doing is very important. It improves their confidence and reduces anxiety, which in turn calms them down.
Hope the above 10 10 ways to calm down a hyperactive kid will surely help to bring the best out of your kid and ease out your task as a parent. Let me know your feedback in the comments section below.