At some point in your car’s life, there will be a time when you need to do some diagnostic checks on your own. It’s…
Top 10 Ways To Stay Warm during the Holidays (Without Freezing your Wallet)

It’s that time of the year again: the holiday season. Yes, the time between Halloween and New Year’s Eve is marked by more than…
10 Best WordPress Plugins Every Online Publisher Needs – 2017

WordPress is a great tool for online publishers and professionals. The good thing is that you can extend the functionality of the site with…
Top 10 Best Mannequin Challenge Videos – 2017

The latest video trend online is the Mannequin Challenge, which involves people freezing while performing an action and standing still, as if they were…
10 Most Famous Portrait Photographers

Portrait Photography is no simple thing. It’s not simply taking a selfie before a mirror or clicking someone’s face with a fancy camera. There’s…
[$100K+] 10 Best Paying Sales Jobs Without A Degree – 2016

Sales Jobs are never really spoken of much when discussing high-end jobs, that field is reserved for the entertainment industry, sports, doctors, CEOs, etc.…
Bouncer falls down staircase….and it’s HILARIOUS!

If you laughed, share it! Check out this bouncer fail!
PhP guide: Simple Shopping Cart

Hi coders 🙂 This tutorial does not include going from items in the card to payment and then rewarding for the payment. Only setting…
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