There are approximately 7,046,000,000 people in the world at the moment, with 196 countries that makes for an average of around 36,000,000 people per country. That figure is not correct, though, most countries have a lot more than that. Just England has nearly 60,000,000 people and that’s just a small island. I count down the top 10 highest populated countries for your viewing pleasure!
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10. Japan
Amount: 127,00,8491
9. Russia
Amount: 142,489,745
8. Bangladesh
Amount: 158,396,022
7. Nigeria
Amount: 178,216,804
6. Pakistan
Amount: 184,950,829
5. Brazil
Amount: 201,932,249
4. Indonesia
Amount: 252,633,193
3. United States of America
Amount: 322,429,407
2. India
Amount: 1,266,474,269
1. China
Amount: 1,393,285,865