This celebrity ranks 7 of 11 in the series Richest Disney Stars
Net Worth (2018)Salary & Earnings
$50 Million$4 Million
How Do The Jonas Brothers Make Money?
Appearances / Endorsements$175,000
Music Royalties$745,000
Movies / TV Shows$750,000
Concert ToursNo Data
Other Income Streams$2,300,000

Jonas Brothers Net Worth: Joe, Nick, and Kevin are the three Jonas Brothers who form the extremely popular and successful American Pop Rock Band. Their estimated net worth is $50 Million and each brother has an estimated net worth of one-third of this amount.

They were made famous by the Disney Channel’s ‘Hannah Montana’ show. As kids, they have worked in many Disney movies and shows like ‘Camp Rock’ and its sequel. They also starred in their own Disney Channel series ‘JONAS’ which was re-branded for the second season. Soon after this appearance, the boys began recording albums.

Jonas Brothers Net Worth – UPDATED 2018

Jonas Brothers Net Worth

Formed in 2005, The Jonas Brothers band released four albums ‘It’s About Time’, ‘A Little Bit Longer’, ‘Jonas Brothers’, ‘Lines, Vines and Trying Times’ all of which became wildly popular.

The group has sold more than 17 million albums worldwide. They were nominated for the 51st Grammy Awards for the Best New Artist and received American Music Awards for the Breakthrough Artist.

The three brothers have made all the money of their own caliber. Nick is a multi-talented musician who plays drums, guitar, piano and other instruments. Joe is a great singer and lyricist. Their current work in the world of Pop is paying off very nicely and this is how they have managed to enter our list of the richest Disney stars.

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