Categories: Health

Top Ways To Help You Get Up In The Morning

To some, well lets be honest, most of us, it’s difficult to get up in the morning. However, we’ve provided the top 8 ways to help you get up in the morning

The first being..

8. High protein diet

This is because protein converts into dopamine which will help give you that little extra boost in the morning. So meat, poultry, seafood, peas, eggs and beans are all examples of the food you should be having when you wake up.

7. Open your curtains!

Waking up and opening your curtains will help you wake up just that little bit more.

6. Hydration

Swap that morning coffee for a glass of water for the first drink of the morning because this will help you feel more alert. In addition to this have a glass just before you go to bed because dehydration is one of the reasons you wake up feeling sleepy.

5. Actually get up right away!

Instead of hitting that snooze button and hoping them extra 5 minutes will make a huge difference you’re wrong it will do the opposite! So if you can’t trust yourself near your alarm clock leave it somewhere you can’t rMorning exercise

You may be able to fit in some exercise in the morning which is great because this will is an effective way to get your body and brain started for the day.

4. Prevent waking up tired

There are many things you can do to prevent waking up tired these can be; Not excising 1 or 2 hours before you go to sleep, no caffeine, stay away from any lit screen including your computer and phone!

3. Loud music

This is definitely one way to help uplift you in the morning, however if other people are still asleep we advise you use some headphones for this one!

2. Morning exercise

You may be able to fit in some exercise in the morning which is great because this will is an effective way to get your body and brain started for the day.

Number 4

1. Form a habit

This is the top of the list because it is the most effective. Wake up at the same time everyday including weekends for about a month and then keep going and eventually you will be so used to it you may not even feel tired when you wake up at all.

This post was last modified on November 10, 2014, 9:56 pm

Stephen :Hi, I'm Stephen! I like to write posts for Quick Top Tens in my spare time which I hope you enjoy! I am a writer and an IT Technician.